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Terms & Conditions 

These only apply to workshops and courses that are soley run by Jack Perks Wildlife Media (JPWM) and not with courses where Jack has been contracted in from a third party. If you have any quarries don't hesitate to get in touch.


1. To confirm a booking of a workshop this should be paid online until this workshop is paid for, a space cannot be guaranteed.


1.2 If you can't make the workshop you'll be refunded but a deposit of 10% will be taken from the purchase.


1.3 If you can't make the workshop please call or email beforehand or the refund will be invalid


2. Due to weather, traffic, illness or other obstercles JPWM reserves the right to ammend/cancel dates for workshops, when possible two weeks notice will be given however if this is not possible you'll be offered


- Alternative dates

- Alternative Workshop

- Refund (minus 10% deposit)


2.1 While some courses are advertised for specific species this is wildlife and nothing is guaranteed. If the species doesn't show thats the risk you take however there is a normally an alternative. A discounted rate for another workshop will be offered if target species doesn't show.


3. Wildlife photography can be physically demanding; JPWM does not accept responsibility or liability for death, physical injury, illness or any other harm caused to the Participant unless it arises from the direct negligence of JPWM while acting in the course of their responsibilities for a workshop at which the Participant is fully paid up and taking part.


3.1.  JPWM does not accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to any items, personal effects, clothing, money, equipment, photographic or otherwise.


3.2.  JPWM does not accept any liability for any loss or additional expense caused to the Participant by delay or interruption to travel services as a result of weather conditions, civil disturbance, industrial action, strikes, wars, floods, sickness, acts of god, or anything else out of JPWM’s control and influence. Any such losses or additional expenses are the responsibility of the Participant.


4. It is not permitted to use locations visited on these workshops to promote or market your own photographic workshops. 


4.1. The wildlife is always put first and JPWM reserves the right to cancel or suspend any activity where JPWM thinks the behaviour of the Participant is or is likely to be unacceptably disturbing or injurious to the wildlife.


4.2.  In the event of cancellation or suspension of an activity described in (4.1), JPWM reserves the right to cancel the contract with the Participant without refund of any of the Participant’s paid up workshop fees and shall not be liable financially or otherwise for its actions.


4.3. The Participant agrees to keep wildlife and workshop locations confidential in order to protect the wildlife and avoid disturbance.


5.  The Participant must communicate any perceived failure in the fulfilment of this contract to JPWM immediately so that the matter can be dealt with and remedied at that time. If a complaint arises after the workshop that could not have reasonably be dealt with at the time, the Participant should inform JPWM  in writing within 14 days of the perceived failure occurring.


6.  By paying the deposit or full booking fee for a workshop, the Participant agrees to accept all of the conditions in this contract. If a separate party, or multiple parties pay for a workshop in part or in full on behalf of the Participant, that party or those parties will become jointly and severally bound by the contents of this contract.


7.  Any such claims shall be subject to English law only and legal proceedings shall be exclusively within the English courts only.

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